Girls Inc. Limestone provides life-skills education and mentoring programs for girls,
women and gender-expansive people who feel our pro-girl and pro-woman
environment is the best fit for them. Girls Inc. programs are grounded in research and
tested in the field. We celebrate and empower girls, women and gender-expansive
people and advocate for an equitable world.
The compelling voices and perspectives of our participants are woven throughout our
work, which includes engaging programs, original research highlighting underlying
causes and effective solutions for gender issues, and persuasive advocacy at both
local, provincial and national levels.
Girls Inc. Limestone was incorporated as Big Sisters of Kingston in 1973 by a small
group of women dedicated to improving the life situation of girls in the Kingston
community. To learn more about our 50+ year history, download or view our Timeline
Since that time, we have grown to serve more than 1,300 girls each year throughout
Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Hastings and Prince Edward County in Southeast
Ontario. Download our Agency Overview for more information on our programs and
services for girls, young women and gender-expansive people.
STRONG LEADERSHIP for quality assurance, financial transparency, planning and
fund development is provided by a dedicated and knowledgeable Board of Directors.
Operations and program delivery is managed by a team of staff members who work
together to ensure high quality programs are delivered that meet the needs of our
community in accordance with our strategic plan. Follow our link to download or view
our Board and Staff Member Listing.